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Additional Programs

Special Course for the foreign students: 


Strategies and Methods in Teaching Russian (elementary level). 


You can choose a two-year term course (ordinary program) or a one-year term course (intensive program). On graduation from the university the special certificate is awarded. The certificate allows to teach Russian in non-academic groups (circles, commerce courses, etc.). 


Special seminars: 


  1. Reading with comments the science-fiction and professional texts. 
  2. Russian Scientific style: spoken and written speech. 
  3. Practical stylistics of Modern Russian. 
  4. Practical phonetics of Russian with elements of phonostylistics. 
  5. The main features of the professional language (Humanities and Natural Sciences). 
  6. The languages of Mathematics and Physics. 
  7. Russia today: politics and economics (newspaper materials). 
  8. The main features of the journalese language. 
  9. Analytical reading (Russian literature of XIX-XX c.). 
  10. Analytical reading (texts about the history of Russia). 
  11. The business language and the modern business speech. 
  12. The language of business papers (documents). 
  13. Russian phraseology in the modern speech. 
  14. Lexical substandards of the modern spoken Russian language. 
  15. The Russian speech etiquette. 
  16. Metaphor and meaning. 
  17. The Russian mentality in everyday life and in culture (traditional and present day view). 
  18. Russian Orthodox feasts. 
  19. The history of the St. Petersburg University and the Philological Faculty. 
  20. Translation: theory and practice (English, German, French, Spanish, Czech and Bulgarian). 

The Department organizes special seminars on the different topics upon the request of the students.

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