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Shatilov Andrey Sergeevich

А.С. Шатилов

 Associate Professor, PhD (Pedagogy)

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Worked on the field of theory of Russian as a foreign language and Methods of teaching Russian for more than 20 years. Has great experience in teaching Russian for internship and postgraduate students from Africa, Latin America,  Czech Republic ,  etc.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE:   Taught the Following Courses:

1. Russian as a Second language (Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Levels).

2.  Psycholinguistics.

3. General Didactics.

4. Mass-Media Language.

5. Strategies and Methods in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.

6. Rhetoric.

International contacts:  

1996-1997 – methodologist of Russian Language at State Pedagogical Institute in Bratislava ( ).

2001-2004 – Visiting Professor at Chinese Culture University , Taibei, .

Scientific interests:

Problems of psycholinguistic nature (oral speech production and perception, problems of understanding), didactic problems, general methods problems.

Particular linguistic problems (the mass media and business Russian language, speech  strategies in  dialogue communication, lingvo-statistic analysis of the oral speech).

Main publications:  

По-русски – обо всем. Учебное пособие для начинающих. Немецкий вариант. Интенсивный курс. Воронеж: «Истоки», 1993. – 220 с. (в соавторстве)  

По-русски – обо всем. Учебное пособие для начинающих. Английский вариант. Интенсивный курс. СПб.: Астра-Люкс, 1993. – 220 с. (в соавторстве)  

Hoerst du mich ? Ein russisches Lesebuch fur den literarischen Anfang. Volk und Wissen Verlag GmbH, Berlin.1996. – 112 с. (in colaboration)

Russian language. Selfteaching book. St. Petersburg, Zlatoust Publ., 1998, 220 pp. In collaboration with Ivanova I.S.

Spoken business communication in modern Russian: linguistic analysis // The world of Russian word magazine. № 3, 2000, рр.70-73.

Elements of Russian and Chinese student slang: comparative characteristics// Bulletin of Chinese Culture University, Taipei, , 2002, pp. 25-35. In collaboration with Li Ja-Lin.

Oral Speech Perception: Native vs. Nonnative Language. Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Languages and Literature. Chinese Culture University , Taipei , 2003, pp.51-61.  

Psycholinguistic problems of communication for native / non native speakers of language. SPb – Taibei, 2004., 170 pp.
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